@danielpunkass This is great, thanks for sharing!
@danielpunkass This is great, thanks for sharing!
@fahrni Yeah bridging with ObjC++ isn't so bad, my biggest problem is it kind of becomes another "platform" to maintain—we were building a game so the bridge became it's own project. I haven't looked into this support deeper than the headline yet, but excited to see it coming!
Agreed, JNI is the worst, but getting it to work still felt like an accomplishment! 🙃
@fahrni I had the same reaction. Now I'm really interested in what second or third generation will be like. I'm just wondering how they'll get there and how they'll get this on more people's heads at that price.
@cocoaphony So excited!
@jnjosh looks like I'll be watching this developer.apple.com/wwdc23/10...
@designatednerd Oh finally! That's great news.
@sanguish My wife just walked by and said "is that guy CG?"
@pcora same here… same here 🙃
@designatednerd Awesome! Congrats!
@jaylyerly I hope so, but my optimism is low 😞
@pcora Awesome, I did one too. It was fun. Now I need to do "Where do I want to go?" but that may be a long long list.
@walter Thanks! Yeah, we looked up their schedule last night and found a few matches we may go to this summer! Looking forward to it.
@dimsumthinking Will do, thanks for the tip! The sad thing is my daughter played soccer… 15 years ago. It took me awhile I guess. 🤣
@designatednerd Sometimes the universe is just like Siri. "THAT'S NOT WHAT I ASKED FOR SIRI!" 🤣
@odd I also really like how it allows you to use markdown to layout the card!
@KevinHoctor @JudyHoctor Great article! It's been really fun seeing all the places you two go, the "freedom of having a lot less stuff" is enticing. We aren't quite ready to do full time travel but our camper van trips have been a good start, also giving us a small sampling of having less stuff. It's great.
@jaylyerly we are in the bad place… you can only unsubscribe via fax.
@jaylyerly “…and for a premium ad-free experience we’ll laser etch the mona lisa on your retina for $19.99/month!”
@cocoaphony I had this same reaction when I built the C++ game engine for a past project that needed to work on iOS and Android. It was a fun experience but I ended up saying, "to solve the too many platforms problem we introduced another platform". All the bridging became it's own platform to maintain and grow.
@fahrni oh man, that kind of makes me want to migrate to my own instance 🙃
@JudyHoctor I think if my path was more difficult I'd probably get help too—but it's GGF»GF»M»me and everyone lived in Ohio, so I figured I could just work through the list myself. It's mostly a lot of hurry up and wait. I'm also assisting my family, collecting documents for my sister and cousin too! The hardest thing is managing different checklists (I'm in the Philly consulate district, my sister and cousin are in Detroit and Los Angeles).
@JudyHoctor Oh wow, yeah I've read some posts from people who had to deal with NY state—definitely sounds very difficult. Looking forward to hearing more about it on future episodes, the whole process is a lot (even with my "easier" path—Ohio records seem easier to acquire at least)—hearing stories from others and talking about it is great! 😀
@KevinHoctor @JudyHoctor Grazie! Looking forward to it! I assume it's a 1948 thing, that process seems like a lot too!
@KevinHoctor That definitely seemed frustrating. I'm super excited to hear more about the Dual Citizenship stuff. I recently started down the path of collecting documents for Italian jure sanguinis myself and have also been learning Italian! I've built a massive checklist of docs needed 😅jnjosh.com/uploads/2...
@designatednerd rocket guy on Croatia, that is