@designatednerd congrats!
@designatednerd congrats!
@the thanks!
@pratik I love the camera! Handles well, the film emulation is fun, and I like the 35mm focal length so don’t really struggle with it. There are times I’ve wanted a zoom but they never override the simplicity. I reach for it more than my other cameras.
@designatednerd lol hiding my shoes for the night
@zorn oh no, your friend pranked you and was probably giggling the whole time. It's such a weird feeling when you figure it out too, like "why didn't I feel the watch on my other wrist?"
@walter don’t tell her that, it’ll go to her head! 🙃
@soffes it’s tough to name things! 😀 we can’t decide between a pun like “Weird Al Vankovic” or a ship name like “Enterprise“.
@soffes Will you also provide the service to come up with clever names for vans? We’re almost a year in and still haven’t named our van. 🙃
@gregmoore did you follow any specific recipe?
@jasonmcfadden Thanks!
@cocoaphony yeah, I thought it was fun and probably even more so if you like Pokémon.
@KevinHoctor wow congrats! Has it increased faster with more consistent videos?
@tomselmes yeah they do! I’m only now remembering this was shot on Ilford Delta 400 though. Oops. I do have a few rolls of HP5+ though!
@pcora haha thanks!
@provuejim Ahhh I've been one day off this week and thought last night was Tuesday! :( Next time!
@provuejim haha thanks! Hoping to join this time!
@jasonmcfadden thanks! Yeah I thought it was at first too, but remembering that day it wasn’t.
@KevinHoctor glad you spent the time, all that gyro and ice cream b-roll is making me hungry
@joshjohnson Yeah, I'm excited to see how this turns out. Will share for sure! Can't even imagine the amount of retrofitting needed for that camera, thankfully they still make 120 film! :)
@ericalba Thanks I'm really looking forward to seeing how this first roll of film turns out. I'm expecting everything to be out of focus :)
@joshjohnson I think this got harder when they started having "movie-style" trailers for shows.
@fahrni Oh wow, that's exactly when I stopped watching and I've also been thinking about watching again.
@collin I was pretty close to doing that 😬 something along the lines of “how you even do macos with swiftui this stuff is broken blah blah”
@denniskluge thanks for the comment!
@jack I sometimes get this benefit unintentionally by taking my digital X100V and my film Canon P out together. I'll take a lot more photos with the digital, then when I find one composition I like I'll take it with film (extra bonus of using the digital as an exposure check). Then I forget to develop the film and… voilà, a time capsule! 🙃