@jwilker Yuck. It's a little warmer here but we also planned a van camping trip to the beach this weekend so we can really experience the cold 🥶.
@jwilker Yuck. It's a little warmer here but we also planned a van camping trip to the beach this weekend so we can really experience the cold 🥶.
@jwilker haha yeah, it’s mostly a question for myself I guess 😂
@designatednerd Wow, great photo 🤩
@manton I've been really trying to decide if I want to use this micro.blog as my entry point to mastodon or not. I think this differentiation makes me lean towards doing that and migrating from the mastodon instance. And I just got into that Ivory app alpha… 😢
@fahrni hard to say, not soon enough? 🙁
@fahrni “heads I win, tails you lose”
@zorn yeah I love this mug, mine is starting to fade a little too 😭
@jnjosh …while I’m drinking hot chocolate on a cold night! 🥶
@zorn “Project Hail Mary” was great, I really enjoyed it too.
@gdp Yeah I vaguely remember some of that. I guess it just feels like more this time around—but that could just be bias to the present.
@jean That's a great point. Such a great show!
@fahrni haha yeah, now just need to decide if this “friendship” is enough to be my main mastodon account.
@designatednerd I'm going to try this out for the rest of the year too. I think it'll be nice to have this as my one main entry point.
@danielpunkass We have that discussion a lot—I wonder if it's nostalgia. I loved Objective-C but those parts of our app are usually wishing to have some of the benefits of Swift. Really, interop is the most annoying part so I dream of just all Swift or all Obj-C. 😀
@vorpalhex I just set up forestry.io, It's actually pretty nice. I'm going to start using it for now and see how it goes from there.
@vorpalhex Not really, I had something set up on Heroku for awhile but it's fragile. I'm thinking forestry.io is going to be the best way here but haven't taken the time to set it up. Have you?
@hartlco just installed Icro, I really like it so far!
@donmacdonald @klandwehr Yeah I’m really enjoying this book. I don’t mind the length as much until I get bored which luckily hasn’t happened. I’m definitely going to add those two books to my books to listen/read list. Thanks for the recommendation.
@brandontreb Oh cool, I'm going to try adding that to my hugo-based blog this weekend.
@manton This looks great! I was hoping for something like this. 👍
@timeuser Yeah, I liked it. I didn’t know it was a book until a couple episodes in.
@jthingelstad Yeah, my only flaw is title is required even for microposts. It’s a really nice service.
@amit Yeah, basically what I’m running on Heroku but as a hosted service. Forestry has all the components except that hosted endpoint.
@mikehay That's awesome. Congrats on the epiphany! 👏
@mmarfil I might write somethnig. I’m also considering trying another project. What Auth issue are you seeing? I had an issue until I read the IndieAuth page and learned there was another link required. <link rel="authorization_endpoint" href="https://indieauth.com/auth">